Having trees in your yard is a great way to possibly cut down on your energy bills. Trees have been shown to help lower the air temperature and increase humidity in the summer. A shady tree near a house can reduce a household's summer electric bill by almost $25 a...
Energy Audit at the Patterson House
At HEAT Squad, we are focused on helping homeowners live comfortably and affordably in their homes. After completing a Home Energy Audit to identify the energy improvements that will deliver the greatest savings of home energy costs, we can help homeowners find the right contractor to make improvements and help with obtaining rebates....
Common Recycling Mistakes To Avoid
Recycling isn't always easy to figure out. With Earth Day coming up on Wednesday, April 22, we could all use a reminder on what is and what is not recyclable and how you can make the greatest impact on your community and our planet every day. Did you know that...
How To Winterize Your Rental Apartment
It may be in the later winter months, but it’s never too late to winterize your home! Many people believe that if they rent a home or apartment, they can't do any kind of weatherizing to stay cozy and help cut costs. The truth is, you can do a lot...
Heat Pump Water Heaters
As energy costs are continuously rising, it is important that Vermonters know about new technologies that can save energy as well as money. The new heat pump water heaters can use up to 63% less energy than traditional electric hot water heaters according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Before...
Renovations That Transform Your Home
Did you know that our NeighborWorks team has the ability to not only do HEAT Squad energy audits but our Home Repair Coordinators can assist in planning and following through with projects you want to do around your home? The projects don't necessarily have to be just about weatherization either....
BIG Rebates For Your Projects!
We've said it before, but we know it takes seven times to sink in, so here it is again: Efficiency VT has increased their rebates for low to moderate households to cover 50% of your project cost up to $4,000 or for other incomes up to $2,000! If you are...
Tips For Heat Pump Owners
Heat pumps are new to a lot of Vermont homeowners. Now that there are cold-weather heat pumps available, we are seeing more in homes around the area. These heat pumps are very different from your old furnace or boiler, and if you want to minimize your energy use, there are...
Our Energy Loan Process
Thinking of making energy upgrades to your home but need financing? Our energy loan is simple and affordable. Loans can be a little complicated and quite frankly, confusing. How will you know if you’re even able to get a loan? How much will it cost you in the future? We...
Blower Door Testing
So you are thinking you want to save on your energy bills and you keep hearing about energy audits and blower door tests. But what are they and how can they help you save? Blower door tests are a diagnostic tool used to measure the airtightness of your home. When...