At your HEAT Squad Energy Audit, you will learn helpful information like where you are losing heat, if your insulation is adequate, where you are wasting electricity, and if there are health and safety concerns. We are focused on helping homeowners live comfortably and affordably in their homes and help...
Blower Door Testing
So you are thinking you want to save on your energy bills and you keep hearing about energy audits and blower door tests. But what are they and how can they help you save? Blower door tests are a diagnostic tool used to measure the airtightness of your home. When...
Summer Energy Bill Savings
Summer is a time for vacations at the beach, no more school, enjoying the local pools or a lake day, and good old barbeques. All this fun can mean spending more during these hot summer days than other times of the year. All those ice cream cones, pool noodles, new...
Does Your Home Need A Hug From HEAT Squad?
When it comes to weatherization and buttoning up, knowing where to start is often the biggest hurdle. How do I know if my current insulation is working? Is the moisture in my basement an issue? How do I get a contractor to call me back? HEAT Squad can help you...