We have two current rebate programs available to incentivize Vermonters to make energy upgrades:
1. Up to $2,500 for Vermonters of Any Income
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR: Up to $2,000 custom incentive
This incentive covers insulation, air sealing, and heating and ventilation systems improvements. So, how do you know what work to do? Get a HEAT Squad Energy Audit, and we’ll walk you through the rest.
Our BPI-Certified Energy Auditor will create your home’s customized report, prioritizing insulation, air sealing, and HVAC system improvments. He will also refer you to Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Certified contractors and affordable financing.
Then, he’ll pay you a visit after the work is complete to make sure you’ve achieved the energy savings promised, and then he’ll do all the paperwork and in a few months time, you’ll be sitting cozy and snug in your home with a $2,000 check from Efficiency Vermont.
Combine it with one of Efficiency Vermont’s cash rebates for heating/cooling system upgrades for the additional $500 – $2,000 rebate.
[vc_btn link=”url:heatsquad.org/get-started-with-heat-squad” title=”Schedule your energy audit today!” color=”warning” align=”center”]
2. Up to $9,000 for Vermonters with Limited Income (Now thru Dec. 1, 2017)
HEAT Squad Can H.E.L.P.

H.E.L.P. seeks to aid Vermonters who are income eligible and within CVPS legacy territory with up to $9,000 worth of extra-helpful rebates for weatherization projects and the installation of cold climate heat pumps for former CVPS customers.
These rebates seek to help Vermont homeowners burdened by energy costs without the means to install weatherization measures that would save them money in the long term.
Eligible Vermonters must be 80% AMI and under and own single-family houses, condos/townhouses, duplexes, or modular/mobile homes and live in former CVPS territory.
Weatherization Projects: 50% of Project Cost Covered, up to $6,000 in Rebates
Eligible measures include:
- Air Sealing
- Attic/wall/basement insulation
- Vapor Barrier
- Bath Fans
- Duct Sealing
- Windows/doors ($500 max.)
Cold Climate Heat Pump: 30% of Project Cost Covered, up to $3,000 in Rebates
Eligible measures include:
- One-to-one setups, max. of (3) one-to-one setups
- Up to (1) three-to-one multi-head setup
- Efficiency Vermont incentive available: Up to $800 off at time of purchase
Not included: Shell improvements, electrical, knob-n-tube, vermiculite, asbestos, radon, mold, large moisture projects (sump pump, French drain, renewables, etc)
H.E.L.P. rebates are not compatible with Efficiency Vermont’s Home Performance rebate ($2,000 custom incentive for insulation, air sealing, and HVAC upgrades). H.E.L.P. projects must be completed by HEAT Squad participating contractors to ensure quality work.
Participants must be a previous CVPS customer. Vermont Gas customers are not eligible.
Sign up for an audit today to learn how you can take advantage of these incentives!
[vc_btn link=”url:heatsquad.org/get-started-with-heat-squad” title=”Schedule your energy audit today!” color=”warning” align=”center”]